FreeBSD 6.3 - Personalise ========================= Public domain ******************************************************************************** ### (t)csh prompt # vi /root/.cshrc set prompt = "\n%{\033[0;31m%}%p - %d %w %D\n%{\033[0;33m%}%n@%m:%{\033[0;32m%}%~%#%{\033[0m%} " ******************************************************************************** ### Colorize ls listing # vi /root/.cshrc set color alias ls "ls-F" # There is NOT (space) between "ls" and "-F" setenv LSCOLORS ExGxCxDxCxEgDxAbAgdxAx # |||||||||||||||||||||| # ||||||||||||||||||||----> directory writable to others, without sticky bit # ||||||||||||||||||------> directory writable to others, with sticky bit # ||||||||||||||||--------> executable with setgid bit set # ||||||||||||||----------> executable with setuid bit set # ||||||||||||------------> character special # ||||||||||--------------> block special # ||||||||----------------> executable # ||||||------------------> pipe # ||||--------------------> socket # ||----------------------> symbolic link # ------------------------> directory # a black # b red # c green # d brown # e blue # f magenta # g cyan # h light grey # A bold black, usually shows up as dark grey # B bold red # C bold green # D bold brown, usually shows up as yellow # E bold blue # F bold magenta # G bold cyan # H bold light grey; looks like bright white # x default foreground or background ******************************************************************************** ### Command aliases # vi /root/.cshrc alias cp "cp -i" alias rm "rm -i" alias mv "mv -i" ******************************************************************************** ### Console settings # vi /etc/rc.conf keyrate="fast" keybell="off" cursor="destructive" blanktime="180" #rc_debug="YES" ******************************************************************************** ### Changing interface names # vi /etc/rc.conf ifconfig_dc0_name="extif0" ifconfig_rl0_name="intif0" ifconfig_extif0="inet netmask" ifconfig_intif0="inet up" ******************************************************************************** ### Secondary IP addresses # vi /etc/rc.conf ipv4_addrs_intif0=" up" ******************************************************************************** ### Bridging # vi /etc/rc.conf cloned_interfaces="bridge0" ifconfig_bridge0="inet addm intif0 addm intif1 up" autobridge_interfaces="bridge0" autobridge_bridge0="tap* vlan0" ******************************************************************************** ### Disabling sendmail # vi /etc/rc.conf sendmail_enable="NONE" ******************************************************************************** ### Silent boot # vi /boot/loader.conf autoboot_delay="-1" boot_mute="YES" beastie_disable="YES" ******************************************************************************** ### sshd settings # vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config PermitRootLogin yes UseLogin yes UseDNS no ******************************************************************************** ### Splash Screen # fetch # mv splash.bmp /boot/splash.bmp # vi /etc/rc.conf blanktime="180" # vi /boot/loader.conf splash_bmp_load="YES" vesa_load="YES" bitmap_load="YES" bitmap_name="/boot/splash.bmp" ******************************************************************************** ### Login/Logout scripts # vi ~/.login sysctl hw.model sysctl vm | grep "Free Memory" df -h w # vi ~/.logout echo > ~/.history clear ******************************************************************************** _BY: Pejman Moghadam_ _TAG: personalise_ _DATE: 2009-06-21 13:46:37_