Slackware 12.2 - Using MultiMedia from command line =================================================== Public domain ******************************************************************************** ### ALSA chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.alsa alsamixer alsactl store /etc/rc.d/rc.alsa restart ******************************************************************************** ### MPlayer cd /usr/src wget tar -jxf MPlayer-1.0rc2.tar.bz2 cd MPlayer-1.0rc2 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mplayer --enable-gui make make install ******************************************************************************** ### MPlayer codecs cd /usr/src wget tar -jxf essential-20071007.tar.bz2 mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/codecs cp -rv essential-20071007/* /usr/local/lib/codecs/ ******************************************************************************** ### Subtitles mplayer -fs -zoom -framedrop -subwidth 90 -sub Movie.avi ******************************************************************************** ### Audio stream recording mplayer -dumpstream -vc dummy -vo null -dumpfile ${FILE}.rm ${URL} ******************************************************************************** ### Video stream recording mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile ${FILE}.wmv ${URL} ******************************************************************************** ### Converting .rm to .wav for f in *.rm; do mplayer \ -quiet \ -vo null \ -vc dummy \ -ao pcm:waveheader:file="$f.wav" "$f" done ******************************************************************************** ### Converting .wav to .mp3 To convert MP3 files with a WAV header add --mp3input switch to lame command. for f in *.wav; do lame -V0 -h -b 160 --vbr-new "$f" "$f.mp3" done find . -iname "*.wav" -exec lame -q0 -V0 -h -b 320 --ns-bass -8 --ns-alto -8 --ns-treble -5 --ns-sfb21 5 --lowpass 16.7 --vbr-new {} {}.mp3 \; ffmpeg -i audio.wav -ab 320k output.mp3 ******************************************************************************** ### Watching VCD mplayer -zoom -fs vcd://2 ******************************************************************************** ### ripping VCD vcdxrip -pvC /dev/hdb ******************************************************************************** ### ripping Audio CD cdparanoia -Q cdparanoia -B -Q query and print the CDROM table of contents. -B split the output into multiple files at track boundaries. ******************************************************************************** ### Using mencoder []( ******************************************************************************** ### Converting any video to PAL-DVD mpg mencoder -oac lavc \ -ovc lavc \ -of mpeg \ -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf \ -vf scale=720:576,harddup \ -srate 48000 \ -af lavcresample=48000 \ -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vrc_buf_size=1835:vrc_maxrate=9800:vbitrate=5000:keyint=15:vstrict=0:acodec=ac3:abitrate=192:aspect=16/9 \ -ofps 25 \ -o movie.mpg movie.avi ******************************************************************************** ### Converting any video to PAL-VCD mpg mencoder -oac lavc \ -ovc lavc \ -of mpeg \ -mpegopts format=xvcd \ -vf scale=352:240,harddup \ -srate 44100 \ -af lavcresample=44100 \ -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video:keyint=18:vrc_buf_size=327:vrc_minrate=1152:vbitrate=1152:vrc_maxrate=1152:acodec=mp2:abitrate=224 \ -ofps 30000/1001 \ -sub -o movie.mpg movie.avi ******************************************************************************** ### Converting any video to NTSC-VCD mpg mencoder -oac lavc \ -ovc lavc \ -of mpeg \ -mpegopts format=xvcd \ -vf scale=352:240,harddup \ -srate 44100 \ -af lavcresample=44100 \ -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video:keyint=18:vrc_buf_size=327:vrc_minrate=1152:vbitrate=1152:vrc_maxrate=1152:acodec=mp2:abitrate=224 \ -ofps 30000/1001 \ -sub -o movie.mpg movie.avi ******************************************************************************** ### Converting wmv to avi find . -iname "*.wmv" -exec mencoder {} -ofps 23.976 -ovc lavc -oac copy -o {}.avi \; ******************************************************************************** ### Fixing an AVI index with mencoder mencoder -idx in.avi -ovc copy -oac copy -o out.avi ******************************************************************************** ### Join/Split mpg files mpgtx -j -o all.mpg 1.mpg 2.mpg mpgtx -2 all.mpg -b prefix ******************************************************************************** ### Extracting audio from videos # MPG -> MP2 mplayer -vo null -dumpaudio video.mpg -dumpfile audio.mp2 video.mpg # AVI,MP4 -> WAV mplayer -vo null -ao pcm -ao pcm:file=audio.wav audio.mp4 ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -ab 128000 -ar 44100 audio.mp3 ******************************************************************************** ### Convert ogg to mp3 for x in *.ogg; do ffmpeg -i "$x" "$(basename "$x" .ogg).mp3"; done ******************************************************************************** ### Convert mp3 to ogg mplayer "${F}" -ao pcm:file=${TMP}.wav oggenc ${TMP}.wav -q 7 -o "${F}.ogg" ******************************************************************************** ### Watching DVD mplayer dvd://1 -framedrop -fs -zoom -alang en -slang en ******************************************************************************** ### Ripping DVD lsdvd /dev/sr1 mplayer -identify dvd:// -dvd-device /dev/sr1 mplayer dvdnav://5//dev/sr1 -v -dumpstream -dumpfile 5.vob mplayer dvd://5 -dvd-device /dev/sr1 -v -dumpstream -dumpfile 5.vob mplayer dvd://2 mplayer dvd://2 -v -dumpstream -dumpfile dump.vob ffmpeg -i dump.vob -b 1500k -acodec mp2 -ab 128k movie.avi sudo sh -c 'cat /mnt/cdrom/VIDEO_TS/VTS_05_1.VOB /mnt/cdrom/VIDEO_TS/VTS_05_2.VOB /mnt/cdrom/VIDEO_TS/VTS_05_3.VOB > dump.vob' []( ******************************************************************************** ### cutmp3 cd /usr/src wget -c tar jxf cutmp3-2.0.1.tar.bz2 cd cutmp3-2.0.1 make && make install ******************************************************************************** _BY: Pejman Moghadam_ _TAG: alsa, mplayer, mencoder, vcd, audio, dvd, mpg, mp3, wav, avi, flv, cutmp3, multimedia_ _DATE: 2010-01-17 19:15:36_